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Conventional detection
World Halon


S60 Optical Smoke Detector 

Key Features

Designed to meet approvals world-wide
ASICS for increased reliability
Sleek shape - pure white finish
Polarity insensitive
High environmental performance
Easy to clean
Easy to install
Smooth action, one-way-fit base
Diode base available for BS5839 "detector removal" systems
Non-diode base available
World Halon


World Halon


Series 60 Ionisation Detector 

Key Features 

Designed to meet approvals world-wide
ASICS for increased reliability
Sleek shape - pure white finish
Polarity insensitive
High environmental performance
Easy to clean
Easy to install
Smooth action, one-way-fit base
Diode base available for BS5839 "detector removal" systems
Non-diode base available
World Halon


Series 60 Heat Detector 

Key Features 

Designed to meet approvals world-wide
ASICS for increased reliability
Sleek shape - pure white finish
Polarity insensitive
High environmental performance
Easy to clean
Easy to install
Smooth action, one-way-fit base
Diode base available for BS5839 "detector removal" systems
Non-diode base available
World Halon


more infoFire detection control panels

more infoAnalogue addressable fire detectors 

more infoManual call points 

more infoAspirating detection systems

more infoVoice alarm systems 

more infoGaseous extinguishing systems

more infoHalon replacement
World Halon


World Halon - Administrative Headsquares  
Via R. Ferri 1001 - 70022 Altamura (Ba) Italy
Tel +39 0803118998 - Fax + 39 0803101309
free phone 24 hours
World Halon




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