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 About World halon 
World Halon


The principal activity of World halon is the design and installation of active fire protection systems such as automatic sprinkler, waterspray, water mist, expanded foam and inert gas (carbon dioxide and argonite). 

We also provide fire detection and alarm systems which may be linked to the extinguishing systems. We can supply any ancillary items that may be required to make a complete "turnkey" package such as breathing apparatus, safety suits and fireman's equipment. 
World Halon


World Halon


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World Halon


World Halon - Administrative Headsquares  
Via R. Ferri 1001 - 70022 Altamura (Ba) Italy
Tel +39 0803118998 - Fax + 39 0803101309
free phone 24 hours
World Halon




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