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Quality Certification
World Halon


Quality and efficiency are our final aim and our main competitive factors. They are the basis of our commercial success and achievement on the national as well as international market.

In July 1966 World Halon earned UNI EN ISO 9OO1 Certification (Total quality) and UNI EN ISO 14001 Certification (Quality and environment management). These acknowledgements reward World Halon’s going on engagement in searching the best in every aspect. 

The several acknowledgements earned over the years give our customers further assurance about our work. The company aims to achieve total quality. The whole World Halon staff pursues an increasingly improvement and does the work to the best satisfaction of the customer.

At the present time , World Halon is the only company in the world to be awarded by the above mentioned certifications. 

These approvals are only given when a company has satisfied the LPC of its competence to design,install and maintain systems. It must demonstrate that it has sufficient members of suitably qualified and experienced staff; has completed a number of contracts in accordance with national standards and has the ability to maintain and repair installations to a flexable programme to fit in with any project.

Copies of our Certification are available upon request.
Quality procedures
World Halon


The detailed procedures to be followed are described in two documents:

Quality Manual
Contract Practice Guide

The Quality Manual satisfies ISO 9001 in addressing each of the twenty specific requirements. The Contract Practice Guide describes, in detail, the procedures that we follow throughout the course of a project covering both technical and commercial aspects. It is the reference for how we carry out our work and is periodically reviewed and revised in the light of experience in use.
World Halon


more infoKey Points

more infoCapability & Experience and Project Managements

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more infoContacts
World Halon


World Halon - Administrative Headsquares  
Via R. Ferri 1001 - 70022 Altamura (Ba) Italy
Tel +39 0803118998 - Fax + 39 0803101309
free phone 24 hours
World Halon




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